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Information for Authors for Articles

1. Manuscripts should be sent as .doc or .docx to or

2. Articles should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words, including notes and references. Book reviews should be no longer than 4,000 words. Font: Arial. Size: 12 pts. Spacing 1.5.

3. Book reviews must include the book's information as follows: John Shepherd y Peter Wicke. Music and Cultural Theory. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997. 230 pp. ISBN: 0-7456-0864-7.

4. Manuscripts can be in Spanish, English or Portuguese. Articles written in French or Italian may be also considered.

5. Articles should include an abstract of no more than 150 words and three keywords (both written in the original language of the article and in English). Authors can provide a full version of the article in a different language.

6. Authors must include their current institutional affiliation after their name and provide a resume no longer than five lines.

7. Acknowledgements are to be presented in a separate paragraph, thusly labeled, at the end of the text. Authors are encouraged to include their email adresses in the Acknowledgements.

8. The notes will be included at the bottom of each page, with a lower type font (10 pts.).

9. Any quotes or references to specific texts should follow by the corresponding reference. References are carried within the text following the author-date system, as in (Morris 1971: 287-294). Quotations should be included within quotation marks if they do not occupy more than three lines. Otherwise write them in a separate paragraph in a single space paragraph and 10 pts letter size without quotation marks.

10. Quotations should be translated to the language of the article. If necessary, original quotations can be included verbatim in a footnote.

11. The bibliographical references should be included at the end of the work, in alphabetical order. Books that are  not cited or mentioned in the text should not be included.

12. Reference models:

Blacking, John. 1995. How Musical Is Man?. Washington: University of Washington Press.

Journal Article:
During, Jean. 1982. "Revelation and spiritual audition in Islam". The World of Music 24(3): 68-84.

Article in a collective work:
Idel, Moshe. 1997. "Conceptualizations of Music in Jewish Mysticism". En Enchanting Powers. Music in the World's Religions, ed. Lawrence E. Sullivan, 159-188. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Article or collective book, three authors:
Balaban, Mira; Ebciogulu, Kemal y Laske, Otto (eds.). 1992. Understanding Music with Al: Perspectives on Music Cognition. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Article or collective book, more than three authors:
Borofsky, Robert et al. 2001. ÒWhen: A Conversation about Culture." American Anthropologist 103 (2): 432-446.

Author as editor:
Nettl, Bruno (ed.). 1998. In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

On line resources:
Nattiez, Jean Jaques. 1995. ÒEl pasado anterior. Tiempo, estructuras y creación musical colectiva. A propósito de Lévi-Strauss y el etnomusicólogo Brailoiu". Trans 1 [Access: 22 de febrero de 2005].

One author's several works:
Bouissac, Paul. 1976a. Circus and Culture: A Semiotic Approach. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.____1976b. The "golden legend" of semiotics. Semiotica 17(4): 371-382.

13. Audiovisual and record references should appear on separate lists. They will follow the formats listed below. However, authors can add information they consider necessary for the precise identification of the source:

Manolín, El médico de la salsa. 1994. Una aventura Loca. Caribe.

The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash. 2001. Dir. Eric Idle y Gary Weis. DVD. Rhino Video.

14. References to records and/or audiovisual material should contain enough information within the article's body text or in a footnote so that readers can identify them in the reference list.

15. All graphics, pictures and musical examples should be as separate files in jpg format. Each should be mentioned in the body of the text with notations made as to their location in the manuscript.


TRANS - Revista Transcultural de Música