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SIBE - Sociedad de Etnomusicología
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Blog Observatorio de Prácticas Musicales Emergentes
ETNO Revista de música y cultura
IASPM - Espana
Musicalogía feminista
IASPM - International Association for the Study of Popular Music


Focus and Scope

TRANS (ISSN: 1697-0101) is the academic journal of the Sociedad de Etnomusicología (SIBE), aimed at promoting discussion on issues related to the study of the traditions of music and dance, the study of popular music, and, in general, any topic within musical research that takes a transdisciplinary approach.

It publishes original articles primarily in Spanish, English, and Portuguese (other languages may be considered) within scientific fields such as ethnomusicology, popular music studies, musicology, anthropology, sociology of music, and cultural studies. The text, main arguments, or conclusions of the article must not have been published previously. Any contribution under editorial review in TRANS must not be submitted to other publications or be under simultaneous evaluation in other journals.

Its electronic and open-access publication provides an instant communication tool for the scientific community interested in the study of music and dance.


Peer Review Process

All research articles published in TRANS undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, which includes an initial evaluation by the editor and a review by two external peers. In cases of conflicting reviews, a third external evaluation will be requested. According to the decision made by the peers, the editorial board may accept, request modifications, or reject the submission.

TRANS requests peer reviewers to guide their evaluations using the following questions:

  1. How would you rate the significance of the research and this article?
  2. Does the text demonstrate sufficient knowledge of recent publications in the field? Does the author develop a consistent argument supported by adequate evidence?
  3. Is the article overly dependent on its sources to the extent that it affects its originality?
  4. Are the objectives clearly stated? Are they achieved?
  5. Does the author reach substantive conclusions?
  6. Does the article meet the standards of academic writing and the conventions expected in an international scholarly journal?

The Revista Transcultural de Música also accepts reviews, which are commissioned by the editorial committee and undergo internal evaluation only. The purpose of a review is to contextualize the publication within the current scholarly landscape, provide information on its content, and offer a justified, well-founded, and respectful academic assessment. The journal is not responsible for the publication process and does not commit to the book’s authors or its publisher.

All contributions submitted to TRANS are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Publication Frequency

The journal's sections are published collectively on an annual basis.


Open Access Policy

Free and immediate access to its content is provided to promote the global exchange of knowledge.
The journal does not charge fees for article submission or processing.


Peer Reviewers Ethics

The journal TRANS contributes to the dissemination of knowledge produced in the academic context, always in accordance with ethical standards and practices.

Accordingly, editors, reviewers, and authors are expected to uphold responsibilities of rigor, impartiality, confidentiality, and originality.


Adhesion to international standards for editors and authors

TRANS adheres to the International Standards for Authors and Editors formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The full text can be accessed at:

Self-archive policy
This journal allows the deposit of articles in repositories, institutional pages, or other platforms, in all versions of the article.


Information about the Sociedad de Etnomusicología (SIBE)
SIBE is proud to be home to a vibrant community of researchers and students interested in music as a cultural phenomenon and its relationship with social contexts. Anyone interested in music and its study can become a member of the society by registering as a member. For more information, please visit the SIBE website.










TRANS - Revista Transcultural de Música