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Enlaces / Sociedades académicas

  • Sociedad para la Educación Musical del Estado Español (SEM-EE)

    SEM-EE es una sociedad sin ánimo de lucro cuyo principal objetivo es estimular la educación musical como parte integral de la educación general, atendiendo de forma específica a las necesidades y los intereses de músicos y profesores del Estado español y sirviendo como enlace para contactar con entidades de otros países y con ISME Internacional.

  • MENC: National Association for Music Education

    MENC is the world’s largest arts education organization and the only association that addresses all aspects of music education. More than 142,000 members and supporters represent all levels of teaching from preschool to graduate school. Since 1907, MENC has worked to ensure that every student has access to a well-balanced, comprehensive, and high-quality program of music instruction taught by qualified teachers. The mission of MENC is to advance music education by encouraging the study and making of music by all.