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Enlaces / Revistas científicas

  • Journal of Music, Technology & Education,id=152/

    The Journal of Music, Technology and Education (JMTE) explores the issues concerning the use of technology in music education. It examines pedagogy at all levels and across genres such as composition, musicology, performance and music production. It is the only journal specifically dedicated to the educational aspects of music technology and the technological aspects of music. Peer-reviewed, with an international editorial board, JMTE aims to draw its contributions from a broad community of educators, researchers and practitioners who are working closely with new technologies in the fields of music education and music technology education.

  • Musicæ Scientiæ

    Musicæ Scientiæ is a trilingual journal and the official organ of ESCOM, the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. Musicæ Scientiæ publishes empirical, theoretical and critical articles directed at increasing understanding of how music is perceived, represented and generated. Any systematic work within the domains of psychology, philosophy, aesthetics, music analysis, musicology, cognitive science, education, artificial intelligence, modelling and neuropsychology that advances that aim will be considered for publication.