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SIBE - Sociedad de Etnomusicología

BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference, 5-7 January 2017, Canterbury Christ Church University ‘Exploring Musical Practice’

Registration for the BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference, taking place at Canterbury Christ Church University in January, is now open. The provisional programme is also available.

The school of Music and Performing Arts at Canterbury Christ Church University is honoured to host the second joint British Forum for Ethnomusicology/Royal Musical Association Research Students’ Conference, 5–7 January 2017. The conference seeks to represent the entire range of current music research being undertaken by graduate students around the world. The diversity and richness of this work will be illustrated at this conference through presentations in areas such as ethnomusicology, historical musicology, music analysis, practice-led research and performance, music psychology, composition, popular music studies, and more.

Highlights for the 2017 BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference include:

  • Over 90 student contributors from across the UK and around the world
  • The Jerome Roche keynote lecture by Kate Guthrie (University of Southampton)
  • The BFE keynote lecture by Anna Morcom (Royal Holloway)
  • Research training and career development plenary sessions with speakers from across the UK.
  • Drop-in publishing clinic, with individual appointments available.
  • Installations and performances featuring the work of student composers and performers.
  • Student poster displays on topics including the piano works of Gino Marinuzzi jr. and modern Greek song.
  • 10- and 20-minute individual papers on topics ranging from identity in Ghanaian popular music, to Chopin’s improvisation, from Beethoven’s dedications, to sonification in electroacoustic music, from French progressive rock, to opera under Islamic State.
  • Lecture-recitals covering repertoire from eighteenth-century guitar music to contemporary Persian piano works.
  • Workshops including approaches for group-learning with Ukuleles.
  • Performances by Cantuar, a vocal group consisting of Lay Clerks from Canterbury Cathedral.
  • Exhibitions by leading academic publishers of books and other materials.
  • A drinks reception sponsored by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Plenty of opportunities for students to network and socialize with their peers and senior academics.

The 2017 conference takes place at Canterbury Christ Church University between Thursday 5 and Saturday 7 January 2017. Three-day registration costs just £40 for RMA and BFE members in good standing, and single-day registration is just £25. These rates include lunches and light refreshments. To book your place at this specially discounted rate, please visit the conference website before 19 December (after which only full-price rates will apply) and, when prompted, quote the promotional code.

To get access to the promotional code, log in to the BFE website here (you may need to become a member of BFE and/or create an account on the site first) and then go to this page on the site.