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SIBE, Sociedad de Etnomusicología

12th Annual International Ethnography Symposium

The University of Manchester / 29th August - 1st September 2017

Politics and Ethnography in an Age of Uncertainty
The University of Manchester
29th August - 1st September 2017

The Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester hosts this year Annual Ethnography Symposium, August 29th – September 1st 2017. The Annual Ethnography Symposium is a leading international forum for debate and dialogue on the theory, practice, and form of ethnographic work. It was established in 2005 at the University of Liverpool as a multi- and inter-disciplinary platform for researchers using ethnographic methods in the social and management sciences. This year we welcome Professor Bruno Latour, Professor Bill Maurer, Professor Hugh Willmott and Professor Emma Crewe as keynotes to the Symposium, which takes as its theme the question of politics and ethnography in “an age of uncertainty”.
Over the past 10 years the Symposium has established an international reputation for attracting the best keynotes and papers from across the world, covering disciplines as diverse as anthropology, business and management, criminology, history, health-care, philosophy, psychology, socio-legal studies, social care, and sociology. It is unique in its commitment to cross-disciplinary dialogue and its reputation also lies in providing friendly, supportive, yet rigorous critique on papers, integrating and supporting doctoral students, and opening up a wider network of cross-disciplinary scholars to those employing ethnographic methods. This year the Symposium will host a series of specialist streams that address the theme of politics from a variety of perspectives and disciplines including extreme work, healthcare, political economy, marketing, education, digital matter, markets, criminal justice and law, citizenship, arts and politics, outsiders, emotions, organization failure, waste and demise. Please visit our website for further details:

The deadline for proposals and abstracts is the 28th February 2017.

We are delighted to announce a generous bursary scheme this year for doctoral students who do not have sufficient institutional funding to support attendance at the symposium. Bursaries might provide assistance with either fees or with travel/accommodation costs. Should you be eligible for and interested in the possibility of a bursary, please consult further information on our website.