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SIBE, Sociedad de Etnomusicología

CFP: 2nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Audiovisual Ethnomusicology (Lisbon, Portugal , 27 - 30 June 2018)

The deadline of the second ICTM Symposium of the Study Group in Audiovisual Ethnomusicology has been postponed to FEBRUARY 15.
The symposium general theme is “Theories and Methods in Audiovisual Ethnomusicology”, and the symposium will be hosted by the Ethnomusicology Institute – Center for Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md) based at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal.

Papers, films and workshops that address the following topics are welcome:
(1) theories and methods,
(2) audiovisual archives,
(3) new research,
(4) ethics,
(5) copyright,
(6) Youtube and other digital platforms,
(7) safeguarding,
(8) didactic tools,
(9) subtitles.

Proposals that address any other aspect of the use of audiovisuals in ethnomusicological research will be also considered.

Further information about the Symposium, including the full Call for Papers, can be found at the Study Group’s website.