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SIBE, Sociedad de Etnomusicología

IASPM 2020 Torun, Polonia, 18-20 junio

"Regional experiences and external influences:reclaiming identities by popular music in the digital era"


Regional experiences and external influences: reclaiming identities by popular music in the digital era

 Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and International Association for the Study of Popular Music

Toruń, Poland

June 18-20, 2020


The main objective of the conference is to exchange the experiences of studying popular music regional scenes. Such panorama tends to functionally and structurally reflect the specific and diversified character of cultural regionalism itself, including music and its social functions. We shall examine local popular music scenes in three varied but overlapping perspectives located mainly in the fields of musicology, sociology, anthropology, literary studies, cultural studies, political science, but we do not limit the academic areas of research. Thus, the experts of the enumerated fields covering the research on popular music are welcome.


Abstracts of approximately 500 words should be emailed to:

Deadline for abstracts: March 31, 2020

Notification: April 30, 2020