XIII Congreso de la rama latinoamericana de la Asociación Internacional para el Estudio de la Música Popular (IASPM-AL)
PRIMERA CIRCULARLa IASPM-AL se encuentra a dos décadas de...
PRIMERA CIRCULARLa IASPM-AL se encuentra a dos décadas de...
A new issue of the Bulletin of the ICTM(Volume 134, April 2017) is available for download, directly from the following links:
Bulletin of the ICTM Vol. 134 (April 2017), good quality (2 MB). Recommended for reading on screen only, and for users of slower Internet ...30 November – 3 December 2017, Bern, University of the Arts (HKB), Ostermundigenstr. 103
Lectures, discussions and side programme
New technologies, new interfaces and controllers have significantly altered the sound world of pop music in recent years. In current pop...
In 2018 The Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation celebrates the centennial of its founder, Barry S. Brook (1918–1997). A musicologist with a global vision who lived and worked both in New York and in Paris, his scholarly interests were broad: His research covered ...
La intención de este manual que alcanza ya su tercera edición, es proporcionar al lector una herramienta que facilite su aproximación al estudio de las culturas musicales y poner en manos de nuestros estudiantes una obra de referencia que les ayude al encararse con esta compleja ciencia.
As global migration alters societal and cultural conditions, musical practices and environments transmute. The global postcolonial condition is indeed clearly visible and audible in myriad forms of music that evince the pervasiveness of racialisation, parochialism and banal nationalism,...
Se convoca a los autores interesados a publicar en el Volumen 21 de Ethnomusicology Review, que saldrá a la luz en otoño de 2017. Fundada como Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology (PRE) en 1984, Ethnomusicology Review es una revista arbitrada coordinada por alumnos de postgrado de la University of ...
The Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester hosts this year Annual Ethnography Symposium, August 29th – September 1st 2017. The Annual Ethnography Symposium ...