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Notre Dame's New Clothes

David Daolmi

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Novecento di ricondurre le prime testimonianze mensurali nell'alveo del 'gotico' speculativo, in quanto 'origine' di un presunto processo di evoluzione polifonica. Al contrario, restituendo alla vocalità di Notre Dame il ruolo di pratica prevalentemente estemporanea, non scritta e, soprattutto, espressione ultima di un'enfasi liturgica 'romanica', è possibile sanare alcuni fraintendimenti storiografici e offrire una chiave di lettura alternativa alle notazioni superstiti del corpus polifonico parigino. Il contributo si completa con quello di Livio Giuliano in questa stessa rivista.

Palabras clave: modal notation, sources: Notre Dame, Friedrich Ludwig


Starting from the numerous contradictions that characterize what we know about vocal practices of Notre Dame (ca 1200), the article acknowledges the Twentieth century the will to interpret the mensural sources as a Gothic speculative product, that is the 'origin' of a supposed evolution process of Western polyphony. The study attempts to give back to the Notre Dame chant the role of extemporaneous unwritten practice and, above all, try to re-read the last production as the result of a redundant Romanesque liturgy. In this way, it attempts to heal some historographical misunderstandings and offer an alternative reading to the surviving notations of polyphonic Paris corpus. This contribution is complemented by Livio Giuliano's article in this journal.

Keywords: modal notation, sources: Notre Dame, Friedrich Ludwig


Fecha de recepción: octubre 2013
Fecha de aceptación: mayo 2014
Fecha de publicación: octubre 2014

Received: October 2013
Acceptance Date: May 2014
Release Date: October 2014

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TRANS - Revista Transcultural de Música