(PhD. University of Sorbonne-Paris, 1999) holds a Canada Research Chair in Ethnomusicology and teaches as Assistant Professor at the University of Montréal. She's also Associate Member of the L.M.S (Language, Music, Society), laboratory of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France). Her research interests concern polyphonic systems, scalar systems and musical categorisation in central Africa. She's conducting fieldwork in Cameroon for twelve years. She recently undertook a comparative study of the Pygmies music’s of north-Congo. She is the author of "Expérimenter en ethnomusicologie", "A cognitive approach to Bedzan Pygmies vocal polyphony and Ouldeme instrumental polyphony: methodology and results", "L'ethnomusicologie est-elle condamnée à rester une science 'molle'?", "New perspectives for interactive field experiments", and the CDs Cameroun-Musique Ouldémé. Au rythme des saisons, Cameroun-Pygmées Bedzan de la plaine Tikar, and Cameroun-Flûtes des Monts Mandara.